Ice In Paradise Figure Skating Club is  a member club of United States Figure Skating (USFS).

USFS is the national governing body of the United States Olympic Commitee for the sport of figure skating.  USFS governs all rules and procedures regarding competitive figure skating.

Benefits of an Ice in Paradise Figure Skating Club (IPFSC) Membership include:

Skating Magazine from United States Figure Skating (USFS) each month

• A one year membership with United States Figure Skating (USFS) entitling members to participate in all USFS sanctioned events.

• Eligibility to purchase an Ice in Paradise Figure Skating Club jacket

• Eligibility to compete and participate in competitions, testing sessions, club activities, and much more!

Coverage under U.S. Figure Skating's sports accident insurance policy

Special offers and discounts from U.S. Figure Skating corporate partners

Ice in Paradise Figure Skating Club memberships run from July 1 until June 30 of the following year. The IPFSC membership period coincides with the membership period of USFS. All memberships expire on June 30 irregardless of when a member joins.

Ice In Paradise Figure Skating Club welcomes volunteers.  To enquire about volunteer opportunities check on the events page or contact

Join now!
Click here for IPFSC Membership application.

Professional Members

Ice In Paradise Figure Skating Club has several members who are professional figure skating coaches.  These coaches are fully certified and credentialed by US Figure Skating. They can accompany skaters to US figure skating test sessions and competitions.  Only credentialed coaches can accompany skaters to USFS events.

Current Ice in Paradise club coaches are shown here: Ice in Paradise FSC Coaches

Member of the Month - December 2024

Member of the Month Photo

Lindsay Thompson!

Age: 70

I am Lindsay Thomson and thrilled to say I am 70 years old and STILL SKATING!

I began my skating journey at 46 years old. I chaperoned my son’s church youth group to a trip to the Oxnard Ice Center. I had so much fun, even in those uncomfortable, narrow blue plastic rental skates. As I left, I mentioned to the Skating Director how much fun I had and she invited me to skate during Coffee Club sessions. I’m so glad Sally mentioned the Coffee Club sessions. It was the perfect place for me to learn how to skate.

Well, sadly the Oxnard rink closed several years ago, but gratefully Ice in Paradise opened its doors. I am a regular adult skater at Coffee Club. I take lessons from Coach Frank. Right now we are working on figures and moves-in-field. I’m hoping to start ice dancing again soon.

Young skaters may not be familiar with ‘figures’, but it used to be mandatory curriculum for ‘figure skaters’. I see a HUGE improvement in my skating skills since I started figures. We start off each lesson with figures. I can hardly wait for my next lesson.

I working towards passing Adult Silver Moves, scratch spin, sit spin and passing the next couple of dances before I am 73. Well, that’s just a random number I chose, just so I could have goals to work towards.

Will I chose to compete again?? Who knows, never say ‘never'

Congratulations to our member of the month - Lindsay Thompson

Constitution and Bylaws

Click here for IPFSC Constitution and Bylaws.