Welcome to the Ice In Paradise Figure Skating Club website.

Ice in Paradise Figure Skating Club is a member club of United States Figure Skating.

We thank club members and families for supporting the Ice in Paradise Figure Skating Club.  We are committed to supporting our local skaters with regular test sessions and providing opportunities for skaters to perform in shows. 

Whether you are a first time skater or have been skating for many years, the Ice in Paradise Figure Skating Club welcomes you to our home skating facility, the Ice in Paradise arena in Goleta, California.

It is now time to renew your club membership for the 2023-2024 skating season. Don't miss out on opportunities - RENEW NOW! Renewal forms are available on our Mermbership page and on the club buletin board at the rink. The club buletin board is located in the northwest corner of the NHL rink at Ice in Paradise.

Contact iceinparadisefsc@gmail.com for more information!